One of the important goals of an educational program is to provide the student with a variety of ideas and experiences which lead to intellectual curiosity, achievement, and the establishment of a pattern of life-long learning.  One primary method of accomplishing this goal is through the proper utilization of the full range of media - which includes printed, audiovisual, computerized and other forms of information storage, retrieval, and communication.


Media materials such as VCR tapes, movies, television, magazines, etc., should be used to augment and/or illustrate class and/or subject matter content.  Media which is used for recreational or reward purposes should be kept to a minimum, and shall be approved by the principal or an appropriate administrator prior to its use in the classroom or school building.


Media materials coming from any source other than the school library or the parish media center must be reviewed for age and content appropriateness, and written permission shall be required by the principal or an appropriate administrator before such materials are used in the classroom or school building.


Violation of this policy by school employees shall be subject to administrative and School Board review and such review may result in the possible application of disciplinary action against the violator.




The purpose of showing films and videos is to assist in presenting difficult concepts to reinforce instruction, and/or to expand and enhance the curriculum.  The following guidelines are presented to ensure that films and videos are used appropriately.





Films and videos are recommended for one class only and shall not be shown to more than two (2) classes at a time as proper use of a film or video is difficult with large groups.  Any departure from this needs prior approval of the principal.



Teachers are expected to remain with the students while the film or video is being shown.



Teachers shall use only those films and videos ordered with principals' approval personally for their grade level/subject area.



Principals shall maintain a film and video usage monitoring system for all teachers in the school.



Films and videos dealing with drugs and sex education must be on the approved list or approval must be received from the Superintendent prior to viewing.



Films and videos must be previewed by the teacher before being presented to the students for viewing.



Ref:     La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยง17:81


Catahoula Parish School Board