The Catahoula Parish School Board shall require an annual school census of school-age children based on the information obtained from the public schools under the jurisdiction of the School Board. A base student membership count shall be conducted in accordance with Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) guidelines on such student count dates designated in the annually adopted Minimum Foundation Program Formula.
All students included for membership in school shall be identified with the following required identification elements: state identification number, full legal name, date of birth, sex, race, district and school code, entry date, and grade placement. Principals shall be responsible for assuring the data submitted on each student enrolled in school is accurate and up-to-date.
District Central Office Level
Personnel of the Catahoula Parish School Board shall utilize the Student List provided by each school to complete the necessary reports to the Louisiana Department of Education regarding numbers of students and all other pertinent factors applicable to teacher and support personnel. In order to ensure compliance with Board policy regarding student count assurances, Central Office staff shall conduct the following procedures:
Review the test of enrollment data performed by the principal
Complete an additional test utilizing student data not sampled by the principal of ten percent (10%) of the schools.
Reach a definitive decision regarding a positive assurance of compliance.
Report the findings of the review to the Superintendent prior to November 1 of each school year.
School Site Level
Each principal shall ensure that a permanent record card is completed on each child entering school for the first time in Catahoula Parish. This card shall contain all information pertinent to determining a bona fide enrollment in a public school system, i.e., name, birthdate, birth certificate number, parent's names, and current address, etc. This permanent card shall be maintained in the principal's office and/or under his/her control at all times. This card shall transfer with the student as he/she progresses through the various schools of Catahoula Parish. Additionally, the principal shall annually complete a listing of all students from the cumulative card enrolled in each school. Students shall be listed alphabetically by grade, with student and parent name and current address noted. A copy of this listing shall be provided to the Catahoula Parish School Board prior to October 15, reflecting the student enrollment as of October 1 of each year.
Each principal shall randomly sample the reported student enrollment by matching the cumulative card count with teachers' class rolls and attendance/absence reports. Any variance in count shall be verified; appropriate corrections shall be made and reported to the Catahoula Parish School Board Office. This sample shall be administered timely to reflect an accurate student count as of October 1 of each school year. Documentation of students sampled and the results of the sample shall be maintained by the principal.
The principals of the Catahoula Parish Schools shall submit a monthly report (20 day school month) which shall accurately account for the students enrolled in school to the Catahoula Parish School Board.
Revised: June, 2008
Approved: August 5, 2008
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:232
Louisiana Handbook for School Administrators, Bulletin 741
Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 28-Education (BESE), §1107, Louisiana Department of Education
Board minutes, 8-5-08
Catahoula Parish School Board